Presidential and Vice Presidential Oath Act

Article 1
The oaths of President and Vice President shall be governed by the provisions of this Act.
Article 2
The President and Vice President shall take oaths on the day of the President’s assumption of office.
Article 3
The oath of the President is in accordance with the provision of Article 48 of the Constitution. The oath of the Vice President is as follows:
“I do solemnly and sincerely swear before the people of the whole country that I will observe the Constitution and be loyal to the nation. Should I break my oath, I shall be willing to submit myself to severe punishment by the State. This is my solemn oath.”
Article 4
The President and Vice President shall separately take an oath in a public ceremony at the seat of the Central Government, and the Chief Justice shall be the person administering the oaths.
Article 5
The President and Vice President shall stand at attention and face to the national flag and the picture of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, raise the right hand up with an open palm, fingers together, and palm facing forward, and read the oath while taking the oath.
Article 6
The oath documents shall be signed and stamped by the President and Vice President separately, and be submitted to the agency of the supervisor for future reference.
Article 7
This Act shall take effect on the date of promulgation.