Fee-charging Standards for Application of Launch Vehicles and Spacecraft Registration

Article 1
These Standards are established in accordance with Article 10, Paragraph 1 of the Charges and Fees Act.
Article 2
Applicants for the registration of launch vehicles in accordance with Article 10, Paragraph 1 of the Space Development Act shall pay a review fee. The review fee for each application for sounding rocket is NT$22,000, and the fee for each application for orbital launch vehicle is NT$75,000.
Article 3
Applicants for the registration of spacecraft in accordance with Article 10, Paragraph 1 of the Space Development Act shall pay a review fee. The review fee for each application is NT$16,000.
Article 4
Receipts shall be issued when fees are collected in accordance with these Standards.
Article 5
After the payment of the review fees stipulated in these Standards, no refunds or retention shall be requested for any reason, except in cases where the applicant is eligible for a refund under the Charges and Fees Act.
Article 6
If the competent authority withdraws or revokes the registration of a launch vehicle or spacecraft after it has been registered in accordance with Articles 19 or 20 of the Regulations for Registration of Launch Vehicles and Spacecraft, the review fee originally paid shall not be refunded.
Article 7
These Standards shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.